Safety Management

Through outstanding management capabilities,
we have obtained and maintained certifications in the areas of environment, safety, and quality.

Various Safety Management for Vessel Safety

Various Safety Management for Vessel Safety
We proactively respond to various control activities, such as Port State Control (PSC), Flag Safety Inspection and Rightship Inspection to ensure vessel safety. Furthermore, we continuously keep monitoring vessel safety through navigational audits, frequent/periodic visiting vessels by superintendents and vessel safety assessment and evaluation systems.

Stringent and Systematic Quality Management

Stringent and Systematic Quality Management
We maintain the highest vessel conditions through the quality management based on strict standards and procedures. Furthermore, we fulfill our social responsibility by continually promoting activities to reduce pollutant emissions.

Cutting-Edge Maritime Technology

Cutting-Edge Maritime Technology
Our maritime technology supports efficient vessel operation management by staying abreast of regulatory trends and applications. We also provide technical advice for new ship specifications and optimal equipment reviews.